PAIRVI works with grassroots organization to protect human rights, promote internationally accepted standards of human rights and monitor human rights conditions. It works to strengthen peoples capacity to respond to human rights challenges and improve human rights infrastructure.
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Beautician Training Workshop, Chandan, Bihar
February 15, 20240
PAIRVI has been working with women beedi workers of Chandan Block of Banka district district in Bihar for the last six years. It works to improve their living conditions and social wellbeing. The...
National Youth Workshop: Nurturing Youth – Creating Possibilities
adminJanuary 15, 20240
PAIRVI has been, for many years, organizing the national workshops to build perspective of the CSOs on various issues and to create a platform for sharing advocacy strategies, celebrating our successes and reflecting on gaps and challenges. This time...
सामाजिक परिवर्तन के लिए फोटोग्राफी विषय पर कार्यशाला
December 14, 2023
छिंदवाड़ा जिले में स्कूल ड्रॉपआउट बच्चों की स्थिति पर परिचर्चा
August 10, 2023
बीड़ी कामगारों का सामाजिक-आर्थिक विकास
August 9, 2023