Interventions: HUMAN RIGHTS

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Meeting of the Indo-Nepal Group on Cross Border Trafficking

30th March 2009
A meeting of Indo-Nepal group was organized on Women’s Progress Centre, a Nepali NGO working at Mahendra Nagar, Nepal on 30th March 2009. In the meeting it was decided to chart out an action plan to provide visibility to the issue and the group, build capacity of NGOs in using legal instruments and institutions, improve bilateral cooperation to curb trafficking and support safe migration etc. 

National Consultation on SC/ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989

20-21 March 2009

Dalit organizations from 13 states of India demanded proper implementation of SC/ST Act, 1989 and appropriate amendments in the Act from political parties, in a National Consultation organized on SC/ST Act in Delhi on 20th and 21st March 2009. More than 50 dalit organizations and victims of atrocities participated in the two day National Consultation, which was attended by members of National Commission for Scheduled Castes (NCSC), National Commission for Scheduled Tribes (NCST), National Commission for Women (NCW) and other prominent social justice experts.

Fact Finding on Huger Deaths among Tribal Children in Madhya Pradesh

Pairvi along with some local organizations conducted a fact finding on huger deaths among tribes in three districts of MP. These districts have witnessed many hunger deaths during the last six months and despite High Courts instructions no measures have been taken by the administration. The fact finding team discovered that 7 children have died during a short period from 13th to 25th October in a single village in Sheopur district.

State Workshop on Right to Food at Jharkhand

A one day workshop on Right to Food was organized on 21st July by Pairvi and CARE Jharkhand, where more than 50 NGOs and activists from all over the state participated. The workshop was organized with the objective of discussing status of right to food in the state, bringing important issues in light, and ways and means through which NGOs can help in monitoring the situation on right to food in the state. Hunger deaths in the state and poor condition of TPDS were a major issue in the workshop. 

Role of NGOs in Promotion and Protection of Human Rights

1st & 2nd May, 2008
As an outcome of the initiative to empower grassroots organizations, for which meetings were held with the NHRC officials in the month of April. A state workshop was jointly organized by Pairvi and Madhya Pradesh Human Rights Commission on 1st & 2nd May at Hotel Lake View Ashok, Bhopal. The workshop witnessed participation of more than 60 human rights defenders from all over the state to foster improved partnership with MPHRC. 

State Consultation on Proposed Hydel Power Projects in Uttarakhand

PAIRVI, Aman Uttarakhand, HRLN along with a number of organizations organized a one day Consultation on proposed Hydel power projects in Uttarakhand. More than 50 organizations and individuals from the state participated in the Consultation. The consultation brought out the fact that a more than 200 power projects are proposed and in various stages of implementation in the tiny state of Uttarakhand. It is estimated that these projects would displace substantial population from their habitat and also adversely affect their access to water, environment, land etc. 

National Consultation on Hunger, Food Security, Society and Media; Looking Beyond Rights Based Approach

The Consultation organized in collaboration with Gandhi Peace Foundation and Nidan Foundation sought to explore social responsibility and responsibility of media in ensuring food security. The participants looked beyond state’s role and at micro level perspective in responding to hunger and food security, and improving community sensitivity towards hunger. Radha Bahan, Secretary of GPF, inaugurated the Consultation and said that while the primary responsibility of making food available to people (esp. underprivileged population) remains with the government, however, it does not absolve communities of their own responsibilities to ensure food to poor, and that media also bears equal responsibility to ensure that one hunger death must not go unreported.” She also distributed indigenous seeds among the participants with the message that they should ensure that these seeds multiply and ensure seed and food sovereignty. 

Workshop and Report Release on Human Rights in a Conflict Situation

12-14 October 2006

The programme started at 10 A.M. with Mr. Rajesh Singh Sisodia welcoming the participants on behalf of both PAIRVI and Nange Paon. He took it further by giving a general overview of the Human Rights situation in the State of Chhattisgarh. He explained about the conflict situation in the State and then went on to Introduce Mr. Aungshem, a trainer on LCP i.e. Local Capacity for peace Programme, who had been especially called from Manipur to give the participants a training on dealing with situations in conflict areas with the aid of the LCP framework. With this he handed over the Session to Mr. Aung Shem for a providing the participants with a detailed schedule of the Workshop.

Workshop on Human Rights in Madhya Pradesh

11th and 12th September, 2006

Around forty eight people from areas all over the State like Morena, Bundelkhand, Rewa, Shahadol, Seoni, Sidhi Maharajpur, Gwalior ,etc, the chief guest, Mr. Ajay Khare, inaugurated the workshop and spoke generally on the meaning of human rights. He went on to elaborate it that though the nomenclature may have come to the knowledge of the masses quite recently but the fight for it has a history which is very old like the time when the tribal king of Buxur was slaughtered on some petty pretext with the government just being a mute observer to the whole fiasco. He further said that any struggle for respect or dignity or for that matter even distinctiveness is an agitation against the infringement of human rights.

State Consultation on Dalits Right to Food and Livelihood

Pairvi organized a state consultation on dalits right to food and livelihood in Uttar Pradesh, which brought out startling facts related to discrimination against dalits in TPDS, NREGA, MDM, ICDS and other such programmes. Refusal of state to acknowledge and register discrimination against dalits under SC/ST Prevention of Atrocity Act, was brought to the notice by a number of participants. Dalits have also been discriminated in provisioning of all ESC rights.

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Human Rights

PAIRVI works with grassroots organization to protect human rights, promote internationally accepted standards of human rights and monitor human rights conditions. It works to strengthen peoples capacity to respond to human rights challenges and improve human rights infrastructure.