Interventions: HUMAN RIGHTS

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People’s SAARC Regional Convergence

22-24 Nov 2014, Kathmandu, Nepal

The   2014 People's SAARC Regional Convergence, a South Asian mega event of civil society was held at Kathmandu, Nepal ahead of 18th SAARC Summit. The overarching theme for this year was ‘People’s Movements Uniting South Asia for Deepening Democracy, Social Justice & Peace’. BCPH utilized the platform to express concern over policies and practices in energy, agriculture and loss and damage that is resulting in marginalization of people, groups, fragmentation and degradation of environment. The highlight of the discussion titled ‘Envisioning Energy Transition in South Asia’ was the critique on commercial exploitation/ unrestricted use of resources for energy generation leading to flood, droughts, decreasing agriculture yields etc and the rampant land grab around the world for production of biofuel.  The business as usual approach aggravating ecological disasters and devastating agrarian community was well brought out through the presentation on ‘Dealing with Disasters, Loss and Damage’. It demanded justice for the farmers who suffered crop loss and being unsure of compensation package from government and inability to pay the loans to creditors and cited Maharashtra case study where many of them have resorted to suicide. The side event on sustainable agriculture and food security in South Asia highlighted the same trajectory towards chemical and intensive agriculture in all South Asia countries, need for enhancing agro-ecology and reducing monoculture of genes and the corporate control over agriculture. It discussed ways of means of arriving at regional collaboration on sustainable agriculture and food and also discussed probable Food Bank can play in the region. It also appealed to South Asian countries to put up common concerns in climate change negotiations through a common representation (SAARC).

Advocacy on Climate and Food Justice: A Learning Workshop

25-26 June 2014
A two-day workshop on climate and food justice was  organized at Lucknow on 25th and 26th June by Beyond Copenhagen, PAIRVI, CECOEDECON in collaboration with Oxfam India, where more than 30 participants from 8 states participated and discussed development and issues of climate and food justice.  The objective of the workshop was to equip CSOs both on the knowledge and process aspects of climate change advocacy.

Consultation on Election Manifesto of Political Parties; Reading Beyond the Rhetoric

9th April 2014
With the Election Manifestoes of the major national political parties of India under public domain and the General Elections to the 16th Lok Sabha in India under way, a discussion on various parties’ vision of governance agenda was organized on 9th April, 2014 by PAIRVI at N.D. Tewari Bhawan in New Delhi. The co-organizers included BCPH, BJVJ, CECOEDECON, Focus on the Global South, and SADED.

Side Event: MDGs and Beyond; Role of International Cooperation, Prospects and Challenges

23rd September 2013
The 68th UNGA Session aims at tracking progress of the MDGs and move towards a formulation on the sustainable development goals, aspired by the Rio+20 Conference and which will form a major part of the post 2015 development agenda of the United Nations. There are a number of efforts underway to assess and improve upon MDGs when they expire in 2015, formulate Sustainable Development Goals and define post 2015 agenda. The United Nations Secretary General appointed a High Level Panel of Eminent persons to articulate sustainable development goals, which submitted its report on 31st May, 2013. An Open Working Group is also looking into developing a post 2015 agenda for the UN. The 68th session will also witness and last session of the UN CSD as it is being transformed into a High Level Political Forum scheduled to meet for the first time during the session.

Work Programme on Agriculture: Priorities for Small Holders

16th May 2012
Parties and accredited observer organizations submitted their views to SBSTA on issues related to agriculture. The submission of Annex 1 countries are highly leveraged in favour of mitigation in agriculture. They promote bringing soils in carbon markets. As against this, developing country parties, least developed countries and farmers organizations categorically prioritize adaptation over mitigation in agriculture. They say mitigation in agriculture should begin from Annex 1 countries where per capita emission far exceeds emission from developing countries. Many question the utility of a work programme and mitigation focus in agriculture, and fear that it would be disastrous for small holder farmers and peasants who produce more than 70% of the world’s food. The side event discusses priorities for small holders, and what soil carbon markets has in store for small holder farmers.

One day workshop on 'Civic Driven Change: Leading for Change in Social Business'

11th December 2011, New Delhi
The advocacy workshop was organized in collaboration with National Association of Professional Social workers of India (NAPSWI), Delhi School of Social Work, and Context International Cooperation, the Netherlands; the workshop involved teachers and non teaching professionals from schools of social work besides, social activists. More than 8 schools of social work including DSSW, TISS, Devi Ahilya Bai School of Social Work (Indore), Social work school, Ladnu Rajasthan, Ambedkar College, Delhi, and social work school, Kurukshetra participated in the workshop. 

ToT on Corporate Accountability

15 June 2011
One of the core areas of Pairvi is Business and Human Rights and to ensure corporate accountability for social development. Focusing on this issue a Training of the Trainers workshop was organized in Chhattisgarh.

State Liability and Compensation; Making a Case for International Tribunal on Climate Justice

SB 34 side event
Organizers: CECOEDECON, PAIRVI, SADED, Accion Fraterna, in collaboration with Beyond Copenhagen
14th June 2011, 18.15 at Metro, Ministry of Transport

National Advocacy Workshop

22nd to 26th December

National advocacy workshop was organized at Amarkantak, Madhya Pradesh. 22 activists, social workers, and NGO networks participated in the workshop. The workshops focused on people’s participation and improving local self governance through advocacy. Besides, it also built perspective of participants on current civil society concerns like food sec, climate change, rights based approach. 

Workshop on Access to Information in Private Business

29th- 30th June 2010
Two day National Workshop on Access to information in Private Business was organized by PAIRVI in collaboration with Partners in Change (PiC). Latest Development and key issues related to corporate accountability were introduced to the participants. Learning experiences related to access to information under RTI Act were shared by the participants from different parts of the country. 

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Human Rights

PAIRVI works with grassroots organization to protect human rights, promote internationally accepted standards of human rights and monitor human rights conditions. It works to strengthen peoples capacity to respond to human rights challenges and improve human rights infrastructure.