Interventions: HUMAN RIGHTS

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Regional Consultations on NREGA in Jharkhand

23rd July 2008
A regional consultation on status of NREGA in poorest districts of Jharkhand was organized at Deoghar in collaboration with Pravah, in view of the fact that these districts have performed extremely poorly in the NREGA. 30 participants from 8 districts participated in the Consultation on 23rd July. A number of facts regarding implementation of NREGA were brought to light which were conveyed to the advisor to the Supreme Court appointed Commissioner on Right to food and other relevant authorities.

Regional Workshop on NREGA and RTI

23rd January 2008
A one day regional workshop was organized by Pairvi with Sarthi Sanstha at Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan on NREGA and Right to Information. The workshop was attended by 30 local activists and NGOs from Sikar, Churu, and Jhunjhunu. The objective of the workshop was to enable social advocates better utilize the right to information and its utilization in monitoring NREGP. The participants found the NREGA Primer developed by Pairvi very useful, knowing about the Act and the programme and its monitoring aspects. Some of the participant organizations have also volunteered to organize social audits of the programme in their Panchayats

Regional Consultation on Floods in Bihar

Bihar witnesses floods every year which affects the lives of 1/3rd population. All the economic activities are affected for at least four to six months and floods also take a huge toll on the lives of people and cattle. Pairvi organized a state Consultation on long lasting solution of floods last year. In continuation of the intervention on floods, a regional consultation of organizations of 7 districts in North Bihar, which is affected by floods, was undertaken in July with NIDC network. Organizations discussed disaster mitigation efforts and how to engage with the state government on this important issue more effectively. 

Workshop and Report Release - A Pragmatic Approach to Human Rights

8-9 September 2006

The workshop on the 8th ended with an interactive session on the issues discussed and a number of queries were fielded to understand the approach to be adopted. The first day of the workshop thus culminated with the happy note of modifying ones approach as well as working for a future in a much more rational manner

Advocacy and Lobbying Workshop

21st April 2006 | Sitapur, Uttar Pradesh
PAIRVI in collaboration with Mahila Swarozgar Samiti (a Benaras based organization, also working in Sitapur) organized a one day workshop on advocacy and lobbying for human rights in Sitapur near Lucknow. It was attended by nearly 40 people from the local grassroot level NGOs and CSOs along with some participants from Lucknow & Faizabad.

Workshop on Lobbying

23-24 March 2006

The workshop was organized at Damdamma, Haryana on 23rd & 24th March. It was facilitated by Mr. Narender Kumar (Dir. PAIRVI), Mr.Ajay Jha (Sr. Coordinator PAIRVI) & Ms Faiza Abbasi (Aligarh Muslim University). A number of representatives from various NGOs/CSOs and number of socially and politically active individuals from over seven states of Northern &Central India participated in the workshop. The objective of this workshop was to ensure in-depth understanding of the theoretical concept of Lobbying and also to see how the participants can utilize their Lobbying skills in the field situations.

एडवोकेसी पर राष्ट्रीय कार्यशाला

1-5 सितम्बर 2005

सितम्बर 1 से 5 के बीच पैरवी ने एडवोकेसी पर देहरादून में पाँच दिवसीय राष्ट्रीय कार्यशाला का आयोजन किया. इस कार्यशाला में उत्तर भारत के सात राज्यों से प्रतिभागी आये. पाँच दिन की इस कार्यशाला में एडवोकेसी एवं लॉबिंग के विषय पर जानकारी प्रदान की गई. इसके अतिरिक्त मानवाधिकारों के विषय, उनके विकास, राष्ट्रीय एवं अंतरराष्ट्रीय मानवाधिकार आयोगों इत्यादि के बारे में भी विस्तार से चर्चा की गई, साथ ही मीडिया एडवोकेसी पर एक विशेष सत्र का आयोजन किया गया.

Workshop on Capacity Building in Advocacy Work

A five-day workshop was jointly organized by PAIRVI & SWARAJ. The objective of the workshop was to build the capacities of the partner organizations, in the field of advocacy and human rights. In addition it further explore the possibilities of give a broader framework of right-based approach and networking to the participants. 24 participants from various states of India turned out for the workshop. Their active participation in the different endeavor of the workshop make the event a memorable one. An array of experience resource persons enlightens the workshop with their thoughts. 

Peace Building and Human Rights

28-30 March, 2004
A three-day workshop on Peace Building was organized in collaboration with CECOEDECON at SWARAJ. It was participated by 25 representatives from CSOs/NGOs from 8 states. The workshop aimed to build the capacities of the participants on fundamentals of human rights with special reference to right to peace. It sought to obtain their opinion on the efforts to resolve conflict at local levels, identify the reasons of breach of peace and possible solutions within a rights based framework. The ultimate outcome envisaged was to come up with an action agenda where the CSOs took 100% responsibility for conflict resolution at local level through removing the bottlenecks to peace in a collaborative manner involving all the key players, the community and the duty bearers

Workshop on Land rights of Mahadalits

PAIRVI along with the help of local grassroots organizations started a campaign to ensure at least three decimals of land to most marginalized section of the Jamui district of Bihar by linking with the State Government scheme that not only would provide them housing land but would prestige to them too.
A total of 15 landless mahadalits of Achahari village under Adsar panchayat of Jamui block were given land rights so far. They have been given possession of 3 decimals of land to construct the house under Indira Awas Yojna on 2nd October, 2013 at the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. Entitlements of land to these landless people showcase the powerful impact of the programme undertaken. Villagers are now aware with the scheme and their right to have the land and how it can be attained. It has turned the campaign into a revolutionary phase.

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Human Rights

PAIRVI works with grassroots organization to protect human rights, promote internationally accepted standards of human rights and monitor human rights conditions. It works to strengthen peoples capacity to respond to human rights challenges and improve human rights infrastructure.