Youth Dialogue on Equity, Inclusion and Quality in Online Education

Youth Dialogue was organized by PAIRVI in Collaboration with Centre for Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy (CSSEIP), Faculty of Social Sciences, BHU, Varanasi on 16th December 2021. The push towards online classes and use of digital technology in education predates the pandemic, but it has garnered greater public attention due to pandemic-induced curbs on physical meetings and spaces.

The new National Education Policy announced by the government in July 2020 has, inter alia, evangelized “online” tools as a game-changer in education and has encouraged their adoption  So the question arises is online education sustainable, is India ready to switch the online education mode and how to address the question of equity, inclusion and quality in online education.  The youth dialogue discussed these issues.  Around 100 Academicians, researchers, and members of civil society organizations participated in the discussion. Students shared their experiences and expressed concerns. They demanded that the government should provide a laptop to every poor university student as online classes are untenable with mobile phones   Dr. Amarnath Paswan, Assistant Director of the centre moderated the discussion.