Business As Usual Plus Some Actions

Business As Usual Plus Some Actions

Excerpt: An Alternate Look at India's INDC. Climate change has been described as defining crisis of the century. Since preindustrial times the global temperature has risen by around 1 degrees Celsius. This has largely been the result of anthropogenic interventions mostly driven by burning of fossil fuels and... Download
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Paris Agreement Rulebook Must Ensure Equity and Ambition

Paris Agreement Rulebook Must Ensure Equity and Ambition

Excerpt: Paris Agreement and the SDGs framework are not sufficient in themselves to reach this gigantic task of eliminating poverty, and restoring climate systems and safeguarding ecology for future generations. They will have to be made to work for people and the planet by a resolute will of the countries... Download
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LIFESTYLE; for minimum carbon footprint

LIFESTYLE; for minimum carbon footprint

Excerpt: International negotiations, national actions and other cooperative efforts are indispensible in solving this crisis. However, climate stabilization efforts have been more rooted in technology and economics. These two are of course, enabler in moving towards a durable planet. However, the crisis is beyond technology and finances. The world needs a transformation towards sustainable lifestyles through cultural, spiritual and behavioral changes. We cannot fight this crisis without involving each and every person of this world. Download
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Give Life a Fair Chance

Give Life a Fair Chance

Excerpt: The 20th Conference of the Parties (COP) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and CMP 10 (Conference of Parties serving as Meeting of Parties to the Kyoto Protocol) will take place during 1st to 12th December in Lima... Download
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Investigating a Climate Disaster

Investigating a Climate Disaster

Excerpt: Uttarakhand witnessed an unprecedented tragedy in June this year. Thousands of human lives were lost along with immense damage to property, livestock and livelihoods. Though people and the state of Uttarakhand received... Download
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Engaging with Climate Crisis

Engaging with Climate Crisis

Excerpt: Expectations from this COP are very low world over. One of the reasons is that Warsaw COP and Peru are only pit stops before the big one at Paris in 2015, where a new framework is supposed to be arrived at. Through these two preceding... Engaging with Climate Crisis
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Climate Extremes and Loss and Damage

Climate Extremes and Loss and Damage

Excerpt: Uttarakhand witnessed an unprecedented tragedy in June 2013. Thousands of human lives were lost along with immense damage to property, livestock and livelihoods. Though people and the state of Uttarakhand received sympathy and support for relief from across the globe... Download
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Climate Finance and Climate Justice

Climate Finance and Climate Justice

Excerpt: Ordinarily, the 'subjects' of climate & finance are from two different worlds. The understanding that "anthropogenic", or more specifically certain types of economic & industrial pathway that some countries & societies have followed over particularly the last 100 years... Download
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