Excerpt: Asia Pacific report on the progress of the SDGs released by UNESCAP recently shows that SDGS will not be achieved in the region before 2072 at the current pace. No sub region or no country is in the position to achieve the SDGs by 2030 at the current pace. There is continued regression on the Sustainable Consumption and production (SDG 12) and climate action (SDG13); however, many more goals show a trend of regression or lack of progress. Agenda 2030 is a failed promise for girls in the rural areas, women, refugees, people with disability and race, caste and ethnic groups who are at the bottom of the pyramid. Download
Excerpt: India recorded 280 heat wave days in 2022 between 11th March to 24th April as compared to 40 heat wave days in 2011. Just 5 states (Rajasthan, MP, HP, Gujarat and Haryana) accounted for 54% of heat wave days in the country. Rajasthan faced 39 HW days, MP 38 and Himachal Pradesh faced 37 heat wave days. HP, J&K, Uttarkhand too have been unusually hot this year. Download
Excerpt: Right now we are in a series of crises, or rather lunging from one crisis to another, to put it more appropriately. Biggest challenge before the humanity right now is the lack of vaccines and vaccine equity in the world. All of us are vaccinated and boosted but one-third of humanity is yet to take the first shot. Majority of the countries in Africa (and some in Asia too viz. Afghanistan) have less than 10% full vaccination rates. Countries like Burundi, Chad and DRC etc. have less than 1% full vaccination rates. Download
Excerpt: The HLPF is the institution tasked with providing political guidance and implementation, follow up and review of the SDGs. Every year the HLPF has a particular theme and conducts reviews of a cluster of goals besides undertaking thematic discussions related to the SDGs. The main outcome from the HLPF is the Ministerial Declaration, which takes note of the progress, identifies challenges and provides guidance to overcome the challenges... Download
Excerpt: Data and statistics are important for measuring progress on the SDGs targets and indicators. United Nations General Assembly adopted an initial set of 244 global indicators for the SDGs and targets of the Agenda 2030 for sustainable development... Download
Excerpt: South Asia houses around quarter of the global population and more than one-third of the world’s poor. The per capita income remains lowest. Except for Maldives, where the major industry is tourism and fishing, South Asian economy remains largely agricultural... Download
Excerpt: 193 countries adopted the sustainable development goals (SDGs) in September 2015. SDGs are a set of 17 goals emerging out of intergovernmental negotiations of over two and half years, to integrate three pillars of development, economic, social and environmental... Download
Excerpt: The current paper looks at SDG 2 and its potential to eradicate hunger and malnutrition in India and globally. The paper argues that the SDG2 and current approaches towards reducing hunger and malnutrition is flawed as it is not based on current realities... Download
Excerpt: Paris Agreement and the SDGs framework are not sufficient in themselves to reach this gigantic task of eliminating poverty, and restoring climate systems and safeguarding ecology for future generations. They will have to be made to work for people and the planet by a resolute will of the countries... Download
Excerpt: UN Conference on sustainable development in June 2013 set afoot a number of processes led by the UN with the primary objective of making the growth sustainable and inclusive, and integrate economic, social and environmental dimension of growth... Download