Excerpt: The HLPF is the institution tasked with providing political guidance and implementation, follow up and review of the SDGs. Every year the HLPF has a particular theme and conducts reviews of a cluster of goals besides undertaking thematic discussions related to the SDGs. The main outcome from the HLPF is the Ministerial Declaration, which takes note of the progress, identifies challenges and provides guidance to overcome the challenges... Download
Excerpt: Data and statistics are important for measuring progress on the SDGs targets and indicators. United Nations General Assembly adopted an initial set of 244 global indicators for the SDGs and targets of the Agenda 2030 for sustainable development... Download
Excerpt: South Asia houses around quarter of the global population and more than one-third of the world’s poor. The per capita income remains lowest. Except for Maldives, where the major industry is tourism and fishing, South Asian economy remains largely agricultural... Download
Excerpt: in India, despite of being the largest democracy in the world, judiciary is on the weaker edge. Laws are made and policies are formulated in order to make justice accessible to all, but due to lack of infrastructure and implementation, these laws and policies does not end up into something effective and fail to serve the society with needed solutions. Download
Excerpt: In the current era of online processing, maximum of the information is online and prone to cyber threats. There are a huge number of cyber threats and their behavior is difficult to early understanding hence difficult to restrict in the early phases of the cyber attacks. Cyber attacks may have some motivation behind it or may be processed unknowingly... Download
Excerpt: Hate crime‟ has not been defined in Indian jurisprudence and therefore it is handled the same way as that of a conventional crime ignoring the acute differences between the two. A hate crime is a conventional offense but with an added element of bias... Download
Excerpt: Beedi industry is generally located in unorganized sector. However beedi rolling began in the factory sector, over the last three decades manufacturing has shifted to ‘households, small unincorporated units and into small work sheds. Download
Excerpt: किशोरों को जेल में रखना किशोर न्याय की मूल भावना के खिलाफ है. किशोरों को वयस्कों के लिए बनाए जेल में रखा जाना किशोर न्याय अधिनियम का खुला उल्लंघन है. खुलेआम न केवल किशोरों को जेल में भेजा जा रहा है बल्कि ऐसी घटनाएँ दिनों-दिन बढ़ रही हैं. हालाँकि इसका कोई आधिकारिक आंकड़ा उपलब्ध नहीं है कि प्रदेश की जेलों में कितने बच्चे बंद हैं लेकिन बिहार राज्य विधिक सेवा प्राधिकरण के 'बंदियों की स्थिति रिपोर्ट 2015' के मुताबिक प्रदेश की 58 जेलों में कुल 476 बच्चे बंद हैं... Download
Excerpt: Energy is one of the key inputs for all kinds of activities – economic, welfare-oriented, industrial, and recreational. Right from the global to national to personal, access to affordable and safe energy is one of the critical issues the determine to a large extent... Download
Excerpt: Agriculture is a sector which gets heavily ipacted by climate variability while it also significantly contributes to climate change. Agriculture production contributes about 14% to the total GHG emissions worldwide. This does not include the emissions during agri-food chain... Download