Right to Food, Health and NSAP
Excerpt: A training module on entitlements under Right to Food, Health and National Social Assistance Programme. Download
Rights Based Approach to Development and programming
Excerpt: A training module on Rights Based Approach to Development and programming. Download
Network and Network Management
Excerpt: A training module on building and managing network in social work. Download
Poverty, Inclusion and Gender Mainstreaming
Excerpt: A training module on Poverty, Inclusion and Gender Mainstreaming. Download
NGO Governance and Policies
Excerpt: A training module on NGO Governance and required policies in an organisation. Download
Sustainable Development and the SDGs
Excerpt: A training module for the trainers on Sustainable Development Goals. Download
Asia Pacific Perspective on the Sustainable Development for HLPF 2022
Excerpt: Asia Pacific report on the progress of the SDGs released by UNESCAP recently shows that SDGS will not be achieved in the region before 2072 at the current pace. No sub region or no country is in the position to achieve the SDGs by 2030 at the current pace. There is continued regression on the Sustainable Consumption and production (SDG 12) and climate action (SDG13); however, many more goals show a trend of regression or lack of progress. Agenda 2030 is a failed promise for girls in the rural areas, women, refugees, people with disability and race, caste and ethnic groups who are at the bottom of the pyramid. Download
Heat Action Plans in India
Excerpt: India recorded 280 heat wave days in 2022 between 11th March to 24th April as compared to 40 heat wave days in 2011. Just 5 states (Rajasthan, MP, HP, Gujarat and Haryana) accounted for 54% of heat wave days in the country. Rajasthan faced 39 HW days, MP 38 and Himachal Pradesh faced 37 heat wave days. HP, J&K, Uttarkhand too have been unusually hot this year. Download