Discussion on Climate Change and Water Crisis

Discussion on Climate Change and Water Crisis

Climate Crisis, Human Rights
A discussion on climate change and water crisis was organized at Mahabodhi Society of India, Bodhgaya on the occasion of Niranjana (Phalgu) Festival organized by Niranjana River Recharge Mission on 23rd March 2023. This two-day programme began on 22 March on World Water Day and concluded on 23 March. PAIRVI participated and facilitated a special session on climate change and water crisis on the second day. The Leelajan River originating in Chatra district of Jharkhand becomes Niranjana in Bodh Gaya, Bihar and later called Falgu in Gaya. This river is considered most sacred for Hindus as well as Buddhists. This perennial river has now become seasonal, flows only during the rainy season, and remains dry during the rest of the period. Large number of people including water activists, environmentalists, social…
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Training of Stake holders, farmers groups and partners on climate crisis and sustainable development issues

Training of Stake holders, farmers groups and partners on climate crisis and sustainable development issues

Climate Crisis, Sustainable Development
Jaipur. PAIRVI was invited to provide an update on global regional and national developments on climate change and sustainable development issues. The meeting was organized by CECOEDECON on the occasion of its Annual day, where more than 150 farmers, women farmers (federations), partners and other stakeholders were invited. Ajay K Jha represented PAIRVI and apprised the audience of the state of affairs on climate change (urgency and scale) and the sustainable development goals (covid 19 pandemic set back). The emphasis of his presentation was that there is a very small window of opportunity available now if the global rise in temperature by the end of the century has to be kept below 1.5 degrees Celsius. It requires that global carbon emission must peak by 2030, emissions must be halved by…
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COP 27: Preparation and Participation

COP 27: Preparation and Participation

Climate Crisis, Sustainable Development
Pre-COP 27 Podcast series: A four-episode podcast series was released before COP 27 with a focus on the history of the conference of parties (COP) and expectations from COP 27. The language of the podcast series is Hindi but the episode 'expectation from the COP 27' is available in English also. Episode 1: Brief History of COP (Part-I) (Hindi) Episode 2: Brief History of COP (Part-II) (Hindi) Episode 3: Expectation from COP 27 (Hindi) Episode 4: Expectation from COP 27 (English) COP 27 Preparation Call, online, 12th Sept; The preparatory meeting was organized to finalize logistics and fine-tune preparation towards the COP 27 and COP side events. The meeting was attended by PAIRVI, CECOEDECON and other participants in the COP 27. Peoples Assembly, online, 21st Sept: In parallel with the…
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IPF Meeting

IPF Meeting

Climate Crisis, Human Rights
Phuket, 27th to 30th September 2022. International Peoples Front was launched by a number of organizations coming together to form the IPF at Phuket. IPF is an anti imperialist front to further peoples struggles at all fronts and against all reactions. Ajay K Jha made a presentation on climate imperialism and how front can contribute to peoples struggles in COP 27.
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HLPF Review

HLPF Review

Climate Crisis, Sustainable Development
Online: A review of the HLPF 2022 was organized by ADA wherein more than 50 organizations participated from various regions. Ajay K Jha provided a comprehensive review of the HLPF 2022. He also provided key inputs in the Review of the HLPF 2022 organized by the APRCEM on 2nd September. HLPF2022_whither the Promise of the Agenda 2030 Asia Pacific Perspective on the Sustainable Development for HLPF 2022
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LDCs for NDC Consultation

LDCs for NDC Consultation

Climate Crisis
Jaipur: The Consultation on Locally Determined Choices for Nationally Determined contribution was organized by CECOEDECON in collaboration with INECC at Swaraj Jaipur. The consultation discussed local adaptations and innovations in energy and food security and water to support NDCs. Ajay K Jha spoke in the inaugural and underlined a number of initiatives in food and energy in various Indian states which has potential for scaling up and contributing significantly to energy and food security and towards the achievement of Nationally Determined Contributions. The inaugural panel also had Dr. Priyadarshini Karve (INECC), Soumya Dutta and Deepesh Gupta (UNFPA).
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Audio-Visual material on COP 26

Audio-Visual material on COP 26

Climate Crisis
During October and November, a number of video and audio (podcast) material was produced by ShriSoumyaDutta in English and Hindi on major issues before COP 26, climate justice, Net Zero, update on the first week, update on the 2nd week and final analysis of COP 26 outcomes. This was widely shared among the members of MAUSAM, COP 26 participants and members of friendly networks like CFA.  
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COP 26, Glasgow, 1st to 13th November

COP 26, Glasgow, 1st to 13th November

Climate Crisis
COP 26 was held at Glasgow, Scotland amid huge expectations in the light of rapidly advancing climate crisis. Major expectations included increased ambition from Industrialized countries in terms of mitigation, providing finance, and agreeing for a financing mechanism of Loss and Damage. Besides, completing Paris Rule Boom by finalizing Cooperation Approaches/Market mechanisms. A 11 member delegation of MAUSAM including members of CECOEDECON & PAIRVI participated in the COP 26 and its various events. The delegation also organized a number of activities including- Side event on GCF and Climate Finance to the CSOs, Official event on 4th November, which was organized in collaboration with MISEREOR and CIDSE, Side Event on Peoples Coalition space titled “ Climate Crisis and Urgency of Actions,” on 8thNovember in which CSO representatives from South Asia participated…
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Asia Pacific Regional Consultation on Environmental Defenders

Asia Pacific Regional Consultation on Environmental Defenders

Climate Crisis, Sustainable Development
Ajay K Jha spoke on entry points for environmental defenders in Asia Pacific in the Consultation organized by Asia Pacific Network of Environmental Defenders (APNEED) on 11th and 12th November. He spoke on the regional and regional forums and networks and other spaces within Asia Pacific which can be helpful to environmental defenders in bringing up and advocating their issues.
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