HLPF 2022 MGOS official Event

HLPF 2022 MGOS official Event

Sustainable Development, Video
​ The HLPF 2022 was held on 5-15 July 2022. Mr. Ajay K Jha moderated the MGoS official event on 12th July 2022. The theme for the 2022 HLPF is " Building back better from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) while advancing the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development."   Transcription of intervention by Mr. Ajay K. Jha - President of the ECOSOC, USG Mr. Liu, Excellencies and Colleagues Greetings to all of you from the MGOS CM. I will take few minutes to lay down the context on which this HLPF 2022 is being organised so that our speakers can relate to in their interventions. It would not be an overstatement to say that we are in the throes od series of crises, or so to say…
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United Nations High Level Forum on the SDGs

United Nations High Level Forum on the SDGs

Sustainable Development
5th to 15th July, UN HQ, New York. Ajay K Jha participated in the HLPF as co-chair of the Major Groups and Other Stakeholder Mechanism (MGOS CM). his participation was supported by APRN. He was instrumental in organizing a number of events at the HLPF briefly mentioned below; MGOS Official Session, 12th July: Ajay moderated the HLPF Official session which was chaired by the President of the ECOSOC. In his remarks Ajay K Jha provided a context in which the HLPF is being organized, major challenges and expectations of the MGOS from the HLPF. Pls find the transcript of the speech attached. More than 28 speakers including 15 from the Member States took the floor during the event. The recording of the event can be accessed at https://pairvi.org/2022/07/28/hlpf-2022-mgos-official-event/ MGOS Side…
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Meeting with the ECOSOC President

Meeting with the ECOSOC President

Sustainable Development
MGOS Coordination Mechanism organized a meeting with the President of ECOSOC, Amb. Collen Vixen Kelapile, PR of Botswana. He discussed his proposals on strengthening the ECOSOC and the HLPF and received views of the MGOS on various issues including HLPF, VNRs, Partnership Forum etc. he agreed on a number of issues faced with the MGOS in their participation in the HLPF and other ECOSOC organized events and assured to look into it in order to strengthen the role and participation of the MGOS. A follow up meeting has been proposed in January 2022.
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Asia Pacific Regional Consultation on Environmental Defenders

Asia Pacific Regional Consultation on Environmental Defenders

Climate Crisis, Sustainable Development
Ajay K Jha spoke on entry points for environmental defenders in Asia Pacific in the Consultation organized by Asia Pacific Network of Environmental Defenders (APNEED) on 11th and 12th November. He spoke on the regional and regional forums and networks and other spaces within Asia Pacific which can be helpful to environmental defenders in bringing up and advocating their issues.
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South Asia Forum on Sustainable Development

South Asia Forum on Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development
UNESCAP South Asia Office and Sri Lanka organized the 5th South Asia Forum on Sustainable Development in Colombo on 15th& 16th November. The South Asia CSOs Forum was organized on 9th& 10th November by APRCEM South Asia Constituency. Ajay K Jha participated in many of these meetings including preparatory meetings held on 3rd and 29th September, 3rd and 21st October.
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Towards UNEA 5.2 and Food Systems Transformation

Towards UNEA 5.2 and Food Systems Transformation

Food Sovereignty and Sustainable Agriculture, Sustainable Development
United Nations Environment Assembly will take place in February 2022 at Nairobi Kenya. Major Groups Facilitating Committee (MGFC) of the UNEP has been preparing through a series of activities towards UNEA. An MGFC International Consultation was organized during 7th to 10th 155th CPR Meeting on 28th September, Annual Sub Committee of the UNEA and CPR Bureau Meeting on 25th October, and MGFC Calls on 15th September, and 27th October were also organized towards the preparation of the UNEA. Ajay K Jha also leads the Food Systems Transformation Track towards the UNEA 5.2 and a meeting was organized on Food systems Transformation on 22nd October.
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4th Asia Pacific Forum of Ministers and High Officials of Environment

4th Asia Pacific Forum of Ministers and High Officials of Environment

Climate Crisis, Sustainable Development
The 4th Asia Pacific Forum of Ministers and High Officials of Environment was organized by UNEP and Republic of Korea in Suwan, Korea on 5th to 7th October, in which Ajay K Jha, in the capacity of Regional Facilitator, Asia Pacific ensured CSOs participation. He also led the Major Groups Forum on 4th October preceded by regional consultations on 13th and 14th
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SDG Moment

SDG Moment

Sustainable Development
SDG Moment is a special high voltage leadership event led by UNSG since 2020. Heads of the State are the designated speaker in the Event. MGOS CM managed to get 4 speakers from the MGOS in this SDG Moment, as against none previous year. This year 27 heads of the state participated in the SDG Moment along with heads of UN Agencies, International Institutions and domain experts. A series of meetings were held with Office of the Deputy Secretary General Ms. Amina Mohammed who curates the SDG Moment on 3rd, 10th, and 16th
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Sustainable Development
MGOS organizes a call every second Friday to discuss important issues related to HLPF, SDGS, CM and its members, and any other issues. A number of calls were also organized by the MGOS to follow up on the HLPF during this period. Ajay K Jha organized and participated in the MGOS calls on HLPF Debrief on 16th, 23rd and 30th Meeting with the OHCHR was organized on 13thAugust. He also participated in the meeting of new Co-chairs with UNDESA on 25th August. Regular MGOS CM Calls were organized on 16th and 27th August.
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